
classifying a hero

Heroes are all unique, some are the strong figureheads of their universe - see Captain America, Superman and, to an extent, Duke Nukem (ala Duke Nukem forever), others fight from the back in relative obscurity and act alongside a strong team of followers - see BJ Blascowitz and Nathan Hale and some still are heroes purely by the perspective of the viewer - every character in every war film/ game or book.

So because of this variation it would seem impossible to categorise them all, however all heroes do have shared themes and areas of common ground with the ways they are presented and also the ways in which they act.

Category 1, the "Alpha Hero" - these are the pure heroes, they can never do anything but good, face all challenges with bravery and courage, defend the weak etc. In essence these are the archtypical heroes they are, in all senses of the word "good". Eg Superman

Category 2, the "Hero by perspective" - these are the characters that, whilst saving the world or defeating a villain commit acts that if it weren't for their role in the medium  would not be revered in the same way due to the actions that they have undertaken Eg Gordon Freeman

Category 3, the "Gray hero" - these are heroes that are treading the line between good and evil, they are not anti-heroes persay as their actions are often intended to be good though they commit acts of "evil", Eg Kick-Ass

Category 4, the "Anti-hero" - these are the full-blown anti heroes, they do act for a greater good, but do only to achieve some personal goal, their methods are similar to the "Gray hero" but often taken to an extreme. Eg Batman

Category 5, the "Normal hero" - these are the people that are not special or treated specially - they are normal men and women who do great things, EG - real-life heroes, or background characters

Category 6, the "Supporting hero" - heroes that enable others to do great things - the inspirers of great deeds that they themselves cannot do. Eg the master jedi Yoda and Obi Wan

there are of course some heroes that do not fit any of my above categories(if I find any I will add some more)  and some that fit multiple ones as well.


  1. I assume that when you imply Yoda and Obi-Wan can't do great deeds you're only talking about the original series? :p Anyway, nice to see a counterbalance to Jack's blog :) One thing though, you need to change your link colour- atm you can only see it on mouseover.

  2. yeah i was mainly, though on reflection - Yoda could apply in Ep3 though not for Obi Wan. Cheers I'll sort it out.
