
Heroes wanted. Causes optional.

Heroes, protagonists, main characters: these are all the characters that we as an audience feel for as we indulge in any one of many media. Each hero has their own caste of followers - each has a group of people willing to follow them (both in their respective media and also in our real world). It is this inspirational quality of our heroes that brings them above normal men (and indeed women), this quality that makes small children want costumes of superheroes, makes adults watch films about a teenage wizard and makes every person present feel empowered  by a rousing speech before a battle.

Heroes stand apart from the rest of humanity (or whatever race they have chosen to defend) and by standing apart they do what none of us would dare - they show us the power of pure spirit and the strength of a human character.

What, you may be asking yourself, is the purpose of this ultimately "pro-hero" waffle? well as a start it was to post the first thing on this here blog. But it was also to raise a valid point, the villains may have more power, the people may have more freedom and the world may not always need saving but it is heroes that we all have  wanted to emulate, heroes that we all have wanted to meet and it will always be heroes that people will want to create.

And if none of this applies to you, well then you are probably of a villainous mind and so should instead check out http://villainoustendencies.blogspot.com/

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